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Registry of
Corporations and Entities

The Department of State is responsible for administering the public registry of legal entities in Puerto Rico or authorized to do business in Puerto Rico, whether for profit or not-for-profit.


Passport offices process Passport and Passport Card applications for U.S. citizens living in Puerto Rico.

Information for

The Department of State supports entrepreneurs through corporate, trademark and trade name registrations and business transactions.

Executive Orders

Executive Orders are an instrument of the Governor derived from the exercise of executive power by force of law, whereby the Governor issues an order to an Executive Branch entity.


Proclamations seek to educate on issues that can benefit the community in some social aspects.


The Electronic Registry allows searches of Agency Bylaws registered with the Department of State.

Recent News

State Department holds long-distance education symposium with emphasis on agreements under NC-SARA (Spanish Only)

El Departamento de Estado de Puerto Rico llevó a cabo ayer viernes su primer Encuentro de Educación a Distancia NC-SARA Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico State Secretary announces NLGA STEM grant to Colegio San Gabriel (Spanish Only)

El Colegio San Gabriel, localizado en San Juan y especializado en la educación de niños y jóvenes sordos, fue una de las instituciones galardonadas por la Asociación Nacional de Vicegobernadores.

Secretary of State participates in NLGA meeting in South Carolina (Spanish Only)

El secretario de Estado, Omar J. Marrero Díaz, participó esta semana de la Reunión de Primavera de la Asociación Nacional de Vicegobernadores (National Lieutenant Governors Association, o NLGA)

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Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

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Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

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Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Card description Lorem ipsum dolorsit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.



First Addendum to Notice of Need for Professional Services

As one of the most important governmental instrumentalities, the Department of State is responsible for fostering cultural, political and economic relations between Puerto Rico and foreign countries as well as with other jurisdictions of the United States of America. In addition, it performs various administrative functions such as:

  • To enact, publish, certify, and sell the laws and bylaws of the Government of Puerto Rico;
  • To regulate the use of the flag and coat of arms of Puerto Rico;
  • To issue licenses for the exercise of professions or trades regulated by the State through the Examining Boards;
  • Preparing and keeping various registries: consuls; corporations and partnerships; trademarks; notaries and intellectual property, among others.
  • Process passport applications for U.S. citizens, a task delegated by the Federal Government;
  • Coordinate matters of a protocol nature that fall within the Government's purview.

The Department of State offers several services for citizens, businesses and foreigners, among them:

Popular forms

For your convenience, we have collected here some of the most searched forms by citizens on our platform. Download them and fill them out in advance to speed up your dealings with the Department of State.


Administrative documents are available on the Department of State's website so that our citizens always have the most relevant information at hand.